What's Included:
One of our designers will dedicate 6 hours on your custom design.
Over the course of the site build your account manager will dedicate up 5 hours to ensure your site is built to your specifications.
Eight is the number of links on the main navigation bar. Professional only: Additional pages can be built off the drop down menus
The number of pages the web site can have is unlimited, though practical usability considerations kick in here - we can advise you on the apporpriate number for your site.
A rotating image slider on the home page to showcase particular offers or newsworthy information
Allows site visitors to contact you through the site by filling in their information on an enquiry form.
We will embed a Google map to show your location
All the site pages are listed in a specific site map, which makes it easier for the user to find a particular page and is useful for search engines to index the site.
The XML site map helps with SEO as Google can spider through your site easily so it can register each of the web site pages and content.
The overall site structure is optimised for search engine crawling, to ensure all pages of the site can be easily indexed by the search engines.
The URL's will be precise and easy to read for search engines to help with the indexing the pages for search engines.
Will place social media icons in the best places on your site to encourage people to like you and follow you.
This facility allows you to add and delete messages from people, telling others of their positive experiences with your organisation.
This facility allows you to add and delete the most commonly asked questions to help inform site visitors.
This facility allows you to easily write news articles about latest company news and have them archived by date and publish time.
Dropdown menus allows additional links and sub sections to be displayed in the main navigation when hovering over a main link.
Allows you to track the number of site visitors, how long they spend on the site and what pages they went to. Plus a lot of other useful information.
We will acquire your .com domain OR .ie for free for the first 12 months.
We will set up 15 e-mail addresses using your domain name e.g info@yourdomain.ie.
We will give 11 bigstock credits to aqcuire royality free stock photographs.